Exemption Balance Lookup

Trent A. Tholen
1616 Eighth Street · Minden, NV · (775) 782-9830
Nevada Revised Statute 361.080, 361.085, 361.090, 361.091, provides for certain individuals to receive a tax exemption. The exemption may be used on real property, mobile homes, aircraft, commercial personal property or at the Department of Motor Vehicles.
You may use this page to check the balance of your exemption for the current fiscal year.
The fiscal year for your exemption amount is from July 1 through June 30 and the amount available renews each year on July 1. Per NRS, the exemption amount is adjusted each fiscal year based on CPI.
If you have multiple exemptions, each exemption type has a unique exemption number and you must check the balance or print the exemption voucher of each exemption type separately.
If you have any questions regarding your exemption or if you would like further explanation for the amount of the balance available, please call the Assessor’s Office at (775) 782-9830 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.