Tax Account 1320-32-601-008
Account Summary
Account ID | 1320-32-601-008 |
Account Type | Real Estate |
Location | 0 GEN CO/CWS/MOSQ |
Balance | $0.00 |
Currently Due | $0.00 |
Current Year
Description | 2024/2025 REAL ESTATE TAXES |
Original | $16.59 |
Total | $16.59 |
Paid | $16.59 |
Balance | $0.00 |
Due | $0.00 |
Ad Valorem Tax Rate | 2.8699 |
Tax District | 500 (GENERAL COUNTY/CWS/MOSQ) |
Tax Cap | 100% High 8.0% |
Past Years
Description | Original | Penalty | Paid | Balance | Due | Tax Rate | Tax District |
2023/2024 REAL ESTATE TAXES | $16.28 | $0.00 | $16.28 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 500 |
2022/2023 REAL ESTATE TAXES | $15.07 | $0.00 | $15.07 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 500 |
2021/2022 REAL ESTATE TAXES | $15.07 | $0.00 | $15.07 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 500 |
2020/2021 REAL ESTATE TAXES | $15.07 | $0.00 | $15.07 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 500 |
2019/2020 REAL ESTATE TAXES | $15.07 | $0.00 | $15.07 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 500 |
2018/2019 REAL ESTATE TAXES | $15.07 | $0.00 | $15.07 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 500 |
2017/2018 REAL ESTATE TAXES | $15.07 | $0.00 | $15.07 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 500 |
2016/2017 REAL ESTATE TAXES | $15.07 | $3.30 | $18.37 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 500 |
2015/2016 REAL ESTATE TAXES | $15.07 | $11.48 | $26.55 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 500 |
2014/2015 REAL ESTATE TAXES | $15.07 | $30.85 | $45.92 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 500 |
Tax Bill and Payment History
Date | Type | Billed to / Payer Name / Note | Amount | Balance |
08/15/2024 | PAYMENT | CENTRAL LOAN ADMINISTRATION WT CORE - | $-16.59 | $0.00 |
07/15/2024 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $16.59 | $16.59 |
08/09/2023 | PAYMENT | CENTRAL LOAN ADMINISTRATION WT CORE - | $-16.28 | $0.00 |
07/14/2023 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $16.28 | $16.28 |
08/12/2022 | PAYMENT | CENTRAL LOAN ADMINISTRATION WT CORE - | $-15.07 | $0.00 |
07/19/2022 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $15.07 | $15.07 |
08/17/2021 | PAYMENT | CENTRAL LOAN ADMINISTRATION CHECK | $-15.07 | $0.00 |
07/14/2021 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $15.07 | $15.07 |
08/13/2020 | PAYMENT | CENTRAL LOAN ADMINISTRATION CHECK | $-15.07 | $0.00 |
07/13/2020 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $15.07 | $15.07 |
08/16/2019 | PAYMENT | CENTRAL LOAN ADMINISTRATION CHECK | $-15.07 | $0.00 |
07/15/2019 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $15.07 | $15.07 |
08/16/2018 | PAYMENT | CITIMORTGAGE, INC. CHECK | $-15.07 | $0.00 |
07/12/2018 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $15.07 | $15.07 |
08/23/2017 | PAYMENT | CITIMORTGAGE, INC. CHECK | $-15.07 | $0.00 |
07/14/2017 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $15.07 | $15.07 |
03/23/2017 | PAYMENT | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M CHECK | $-90.84 | $0.00 |
03/17/2017 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 2016-17 | $1.05 | $90.84 |
03/02/2017 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.26 | $89.79 |
02/01/2017 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.26 | $89.53 |
01/17/2017 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 3 Penalty for 2016-17 | $0.90 | $89.27 |
01/03/2017 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.26 | $88.37 |
12/01/2016 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.26 | $88.11 |
11/10/2016 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.26 | $87.85 |
10/18/2016 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 2016-17 | $0.75 | $87.59 |
10/01/2016 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.26 | $86.84 |
09/12/2016 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.26 | $86.58 |
08/30/2016 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2016-17 | $0.60 | $86.32 |
08/01/2016 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.26 | $85.72 |
07/12/2016 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $15.07 | $85.46 |
07/01/2016 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.26 | $70.39 |
06/06/2016 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $1.64 | $70.13 |
05/10/2016 | PENALTY | Publication Cost for Delinqncy | $5.50 | $68.49 |
05/02/2016 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.13 | $62.99 |
04/05/2016 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.13 | $62.86 |
03/21/2016 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 2015-16 | $1.05 | $62.73 |
03/03/2016 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.13 | $61.68 |
02/01/2016 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.13 | $61.55 |
01/19/2016 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 3 Penalty for 2015-16 | $0.90 | $61.42 |
01/05/2016 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.13 | $60.52 |
12/01/2015 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.13 | $60.39 |
11/03/2015 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.13 | $60.26 |
10/19/2015 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 2015-16 | $0.75 | $60.13 |
10/01/2015 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.13 | $59.38 |
09/01/2015 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.13 | $59.25 |
09/01/2015 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2015-16 | $0.60 | $59.12 |
08/04/2015 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.13 | $58.52 |
07/14/2015 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $15.07 | $58.39 |
07/02/2015 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.13 | $43.32 |
06/03/2015 | PENALTY | 2015 LIEN FEES | $14.00 | $43.19 |
06/01/2015 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $1.51 | $29.19 |
04/29/2015 | PENALTY | Publication Cost for Delinqncy | $9.31 | $27.68 |
03/17/2015 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 2014-15 | $1.05 | $18.37 |
01/20/2015 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 3 Penalty for 2014-15 | $0.90 | $17.32 |
10/20/2014 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 2014-15 | $0.75 | $16.42 |
09/03/2014 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2014-15 | $0.60 | $15.67 |
07/17/2014 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $15.07 | $15.07 |
12/06/2013 | PAYMENT | JEANETE BLANCO CHECK | $-419.54 | $0.00 |
12/02/2013 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.62 | $419.54 |
11/01/2013 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.62 | $418.92 |
10/21/2013 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 2013-14 | $0.75 | $418.30 |
10/01/2013 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.62 | $417.55 |
09/25/2013 | AMENDMENT | add cert mailing costs lmt | $12.22 | $416.93 |
09/13/2013 | AMENDMENT | Add Title Search fee | $250.00 | $404.71 |
09/04/2013 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2013-14 | $0.60 | $154.71 |
09/03/2013 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.62 | $154.11 |
08/01/2013 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.62 | $153.49 |
07/16/2013 | BILL | DOUGLAS COUNTY TRUSTEE | $15.07 | $152.87 |
07/01/2013 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.62 | $137.80 |
06/03/2013 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $2.00 | $137.18 |
05/01/2013 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.49 | $135.18 |
04/01/2013 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.49 | $134.69 |
03/18/2013 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 2012-13 | $1.05 | $134.20 |
03/01/2013 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.49 | $133.15 |
02/01/2013 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.49 | $132.66 |
01/22/2013 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 3 Penalty for 2012-13 | $0.90 | $132.17 |
01/04/2013 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.49 | $131.27 |
12/03/2012 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.49 | $130.78 |
11/01/2012 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.49 | $130.29 |
10/15/2012 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 2012-13 | $0.75 | $129.80 |
10/01/2012 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.49 | $129.05 |
09/04/2012 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2012-13 | $0.60 | $128.56 |
09/04/2012 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.49 | $127.96 |
08/01/2012 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.49 | $127.47 |
07/13/2012 | BILL | DOUGLAS COUNTY TRUSTEE | $15.07 | $126.98 |
07/02/2012 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.49 | $111.91 |
06/04/2012 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $1.87 | $111.42 |
05/01/2012 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.36 | $109.55 |
04/02/2012 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.36 | $109.19 |
03/19/2012 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 2011-12 | $1.05 | $108.83 |
03/01/2012 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.36 | $107.78 |
02/03/2012 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.36 | $107.42 |
01/18/2012 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 3 Penalty for 2011-12 | $0.90 | $107.06 |
01/03/2012 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.36 | $106.16 |
12/01/2011 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.36 | $105.80 |
11/10/2011 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.36 | $105.44 |
10/18/2011 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 2011-12 | $0.75 | $105.08 |
10/04/2011 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.36 | $104.33 |
09/01/2011 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.36 | $103.97 |
08/29/2011 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2011-12 | $0.60 | $103.61 |
08/01/2011 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.36 | $103.01 |
07/26/2011 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.36 | $102.65 |
07/15/2011 | BILL | DOUGLAS COUNTY TRUSTEE | $15.07 | $102.29 |
06/03/2011 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $1.72 | $87.22 |
05/02/2011 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.24 | $85.50 |
04/25/2011 | AMENDMENT | cert mailing added lmt | $5.64 | $85.26 |
04/04/2011 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.24 | $79.62 |
03/21/2011 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 2010-11 | $1.04 | $79.38 |
03/02/2011 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.24 | $78.34 |
01/18/2011 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 3 Penalty for 2010-11 | $0.89 | $78.10 |
01/04/2011 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.24 | $77.21 |
12/01/2010 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.24 | $76.97 |
11/01/2010 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.24 | $76.73 |
10/15/2010 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 2010-11 | $0.74 | $76.49 |
10/01/2010 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.24 | $75.75 |
09/03/2010 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.24 | $75.51 |
08/30/2010 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2010-11 | $0.59 | $75.27 |
08/03/2010 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.24 | $74.68 |
07/14/2010 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $14.82 | $74.44 |
07/01/2010 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.24 | $59.62 |
06/08/2010 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $1.60 | $59.38 |
05/03/2010 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.12 | $57.78 |
04/01/2010 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.12 | $57.66 |
03/16/2010 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 2009-10 | $1.03 | $57.54 |
03/01/2010 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.12 | $56.51 |
02/02/2010 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.12 | $56.39 |
01/19/2010 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 3 Penalty for 2009-10 | $0.89 | $56.27 |
01/06/2010 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.12 | $55.38 |
12/11/2009 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.12 | $55.26 |
11/02/2009 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.12 | $55.14 |
10/19/2009 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 2009-10 | $0.74 | $55.02 |
10/02/2009 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.12 | $54.28 |
09/01/2009 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.12 | $54.16 |
09/01/2009 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2009-10 | $0.59 | $54.04 |
08/05/2009 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.12 | $53.45 |
07/13/2009 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $14.75 | $53.33 |
07/13/2009 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.12 | $38.58 |
06/02/2009 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $1.42 | $38.46 |
06/02/2009 | PENALTY | Recording fees for 08-09 | $14.00 | $37.04 |
04/30/2009 | PENALTY | Publication Cost for Delinqncy | $5.75 | $23.04 |
03/13/2009 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 2008-09 | $0.99 | $17.29 |
01/20/2009 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 3 Penalty for 2008-09 | $0.85 | $16.30 |
10/17/2008 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 2008-09 | $0.71 | $15.45 |
09/02/2008 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2008-09 | $0.57 | $14.74 |
07/18/2008 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $14.17 | $14.17 |
05/16/2008 | PAYMENT | JEANETTE BLANCO | $-258.05 | $0.00 |
05/16/2008 | INTEREST | Interest to date | $9.91 | $258.05 |
02/15/2008 | AMENDMENT | 2006-07 Bill was Amended | $0.00 | $248.14 |
08/28/2007 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2007-08 | $2.90 | $248.14 |
07/01/2007 | BILL | DOUGLAS COUNTY TRUSTEE | $13.13 | $245.24 |
06/30/2007 | PENALTY | Miscellaneous Cost for 2006-07 | $160.42 | $232.11 |
05/02/2007 | AMENDMENT | 2005-06 Bill was Amended | $0.00 | $71.69 |
08/28/2006 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2006-07 | $8.53 | $71.69 |
07/01/2006 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $12.18 | $63.16 |
06/30/2006 | PENALTY | Miscellaneous Cost for 2005-06 | $5.00 | $50.98 |
08/28/2005 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2005-06 | $2.48 | $45.98 |
07/01/2005 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $11.28 | $43.50 |
05/04/2005 | AMENDMENT | 2004-05 Bill was Amended | $0.00 | $32.22 |
03/14/2005 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 2004-05 | $14.00 | $32.22 |
08/28/2004 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2004-05 | $6.77 | $18.22 |
07/01/2004 | BILL | DOUGLAS COUNTY TRUSTEE | $11.45 | $11.45 |
06/04/2004 | PAYMENT | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & | $-69.89 | $0.00 |
06/04/2004 | INTEREST | Interest to date | $5.57 | $69.89 |
04/01/2004 | AMENDMENT | 2002-03 Bill was Amended | $0.00 | $64.32 |
08/28/2003 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2003-04 | $2.54 | $64.32 |
07/01/2003 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $11.51 | $61.78 |
06/30/2003 | PENALTY | Miscellaneous Cost for 2002-03 | $5.00 | $50.27 |
08/28/2002 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2002-03 | $2.54 | $45.27 |
07/01/2002 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $11.53 | $42.73 |
03/14/2002 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 2001-02 | $17.12 | $31.20 |
08/28/2001 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2001-02 | $2.54 | $14.08 |
07/01/2001 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $11.54 | $11.54 |
04/27/2001 | PAYMENT | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & | $-13.95 | $0.00 |
08/28/2000 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2000-01 | $2.52 | $13.95 |
07/01/2000 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $11.43 | $11.43 |
08/12/1999 | PAYMENT | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & | $-11.37 | $0.00 |
07/01/1999 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $11.37 | $11.37 |
08/24/1998 | PAYMENT | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & | $-11.54 | $0.00 |
07/01/1998 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $11.54 | $11.54 |
03/04/1998 | PAYMENT | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & | $-13.28 | $0.00 |
08/28/1997 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 1997-98 | $1.73 | $13.28 |
07/01/1997 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $11.55 | $11.55 |
02/07/1997 | PAYMENT | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & | $-13.56 | $0.00 |
08/28/1996 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 1996-97 | $1.77 | $13.56 |
07/01/1996 | BILL | BLANCO, GUILLERMO & JEANETTE M | $11.79 | $11.79 |
02/09/1996 | PAYMENT | $-13.27 | $0.00 | |
01/14/1996 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 3 Penalty for 1995-96 | $0.55 | $13.27 |
10/14/1995 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 1995-96 | $0.31 | $12.72 |
08/28/1995 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 1995-96 | $0.12 | $12.41 |
07/01/1995 | BILL | ALLMAN, LYNDA LOU | $12.29 | $12.29 |
08/30/1994 | PAYMENT | $-12.54 | $0.00 | |
08/28/1994 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 1994-95 | $0.12 | $12.54 |
07/01/1994 | BILL | ALLMAN, LYNDA LOU | $12.42 | $12.42 |
03/07/1994 | PAYMENT | $-3.10 | $0.00 | |
01/06/1994 | PAYMENT | $-6.30 | $3.10 | |
10/14/1993 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 1993-94 | $0.12 | $9.40 |
08/23/1993 | PAYMENT | $-3.09 | $9.28 | |
07/01/1993 | BILL | ALLMAN, LYNDA LOU | $12.37 | $12.37 |
02/23/1993 | PAYMENT | $-3.09 | $0.00 | |
01/15/1993 | PAYMENT | $-3.09 | $3.09 | |
10/15/1992 | PAYMENT | $-3.09 | $6.18 | |
08/20/1992 | PAYMENT | $-3.09 | $9.27 | |
07/01/1992 | BILL | HOLMES, GORDON A & BETTY | $12.36 | $12.36 |
08/09/1991 | PAYMENT | $-11.47 | $0.00 | |
07/01/1991 | BILL | HOLMES, GORDON A & BETTY | $11.47 | $11.47 |
07/17/1990 | PAYMENT | $-11.40 | $0.00 | |
07/01/1990 | BILL | HOLMES, GORDON A & BETTY | $11.40 | $11.40 |
09/07/1989 | PAYMENT | $-11.17 | $0.00 | |
07/01/1989 | BILL | HOLMES, GORDON A & BETTY | $11.17 | $11.17 |
04/11/1989 | PAYMENT | $-10.73 | $0.00 | |
03/14/1989 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 1988-89 | $5.27 | $10.73 |
01/14/1989 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 3 Penalty for 1988-89 | $0.11 | $5.46 |
01/09/1989 | PAYMENT | $-5.72 | $5.35 | |
10/14/1988 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 1988-89 | $0.27 | $11.07 |
08/28/1988 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 1988-89 | $0.11 | $10.80 |
07/01/1988 | BILL | HOLMES, GORDON A & BETTY | $10.69 | $10.69 |
04/06/1988 | PAYMENT | $-10.75 | $0.00 | |
03/14/1988 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 1987-88 | $5.31 | $10.75 |
01/14/1988 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 3 Penalty for 1987-88 | $0.17 | $5.44 |
10/14/1987 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 1987-88 | $0.07 | $5.27 |
08/13/1987 | PAYMENT | $-1.73 | $5.20 | |
07/01/1987 | BILL | WALLACE, ETHEL G | $6.93 | $6.93 |
03/03/1987 | PAYMENT | $-1.43 | $0.00 | |
01/12/1987 | PAYMENT | $-1.41 | $1.43 | |
10/06/1986 | PAYMENT | $-1.41 | $2.84 | |
07/29/1986 | PAYMENT | $-1.41 | $4.25 | |
07/01/1986 | BILL | WALLACE,ETHEL G | $5.66 | $5.66 |