Tax Account 1420-07-411-015
Account Summary
Account ID | 1420-07-411-015 |
Account Type | Real Estate |
Balance | $0.00 |
Currently Due | $0.00 |
Current Year
Description | 2024/2025 REAL ESTATE TAXES |
Original | $619.48 |
Total | $619.48 |
Paid | $619.48 |
Balance | $0.00 |
Due | $0.00 |
Ad Valorem Tax Rate | 2.8699 |
Tax District | 500 (GENERAL COUNTY/CWS/MOSQ) |
Tax Cap | 100% Low 3.0% |
Past Years
Description | Original | Penalty | Paid | Balance | Due | Tax Rate | Tax District |
2023/2024 REAL ESTATE TAXES | $601.46 | $0.00 | $601.46 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 500 |
2022/2023 REAL ESTATE TAXES | $583.95 | $0.00 | $583.95 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 500 |
2021/2022 REAL ESTATE TAXES | $540.70 | $0.00 | $540.70 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 500 |
2020/2021 REAL ESTATE TAXES | $522.93 | $86.94 | $609.87 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 500 |
2019/2020 REAL ESTATE TAXES | $504.75 | $5.05 | $509.80 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 500 |
2018/2019 REAL ESTATE TAXES | $481.64 | $147.58 | $629.22 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 335 |
2017/2018 REAL ESTATE TAXES | $685.98 | $262.67 | $948.65 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 335 |
2016/2017 REAL ESTATE TAXES | $674.28 | $338.21 | $1,012.49 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 335 |
2015/2016 REAL ESTATE TAXES | $449.63 | $72.94 | $522.57 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 335 |
2014/2015 REAL ESTATE TAXES | $443.72 | $435.91 | $879.63 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 335 |
2013/2014 REAL ESTATE TAXES | $430.80 | $166.45 | $597.25 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 335 |
2012/2013 REAL ESTATE TAXES | $445.06 | $64.37 | $509.43 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8136 | 335 |
Special Assessments and Other Fees
Year | Code | Description | Amount | Paid | Balance | Due |
2017-2018 | S45 | Carson Valley Basin | 223.75 | 223.75 | .00 | .00 |
2016-2017 | S45 | Carson Valley Basin | 223.75 | 223.75 | .00 | .00 |
2015-2016 | S05 | Redevelopment | 356.07 | 356.07 | .00 | .00 |
2014-2015 | S05 | Redevelopment | 357.84 | 357.84 | .00 | .00 |
2013-2014 | S05 | Redevelopment | 345.60 | 345.60 | .00 | .00 |
2012-2013 | S05 | Redevelopment | 356.24 | 356.24 | .00 | .00 |
Tax Bill and Payment History
Date | Type | Billed to / Payer Name / Note | Amount | Balance |
10/01/2024 | PAYMENT | ENGLEKIRK, BETSY CHECK 1014 | $-464.37 | $0.00 |
08/19/2024 | PAYMENT | ENGLEKIRK, N & B CHECK 1010 | $-155.11 | $464.37 |
07/15/2024 | BILL | ENGLEKIRK FAMILY TRUST 2013 | $619.48 | $619.48 |
08/28/2023 | PAYMENT | ENGLEKI, NATHANIEL E & BETSY CHECK 1095 | $-601.46 | $0.00 |
07/14/2023 | BILL | ENGLEKIRK FAMILY TRUST 2013 | $601.46 | $601.46 |
08/19/2022 | PAYMENT | ENGLEKIRK, NATHANIEL E & BETSY CHECK 1084 | $-583.95 | $0.00 |
07/19/2022 | BILL | ENGLEKIRK, N E & B M TTEE | $583.95 | $583.95 |
03/08/2022 | PAYMENT | ENGLEKIRK, NATHANIEL & BETSY CHECK | $-135.17 | $0.00 |
01/06/2022 | PAYMENT | ENGLEKIRK, NATHANIEL & BETSY CHECK | $-135.17 | $135.17 |
10/04/2021 | PAYMENT | ENGLEKIRK, N E & B M CHECK | $-135.17 | $270.34 |
08/17/2021 | PAYMENT | ENGLEKIRK, N E & B M TTEE CHECK | $-135.19 | $405.51 |
07/14/2021 | BILL | ENGLEKIRK, N E & B M TTEE | $540.70 | $540.70 |
05/18/2021 | PAYMENT | MARGARET ORCI CREDIT: D | $-609.87 | $0.00 |
05/03/2021 | PENALTY | Publication Cost for Delinqncy | $8.50 | $609.87 |
03/15/2021 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 2020-21 | $36.61 | $601.37 |
01/19/2021 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 3 Penalty for 2020-21 | $23.53 | $564.76 |
10/19/2020 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 2020-21 | $13.07 | $541.23 |
08/31/2020 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2020-21 | $5.23 | $528.16 |
07/13/2020 | BILL | ANDERSON, MARGARET | $522.93 | $522.93 |
09/27/2019 | PAYMENT | MARGARET ORCI CHECK | $-1,483.28 | $0.00 |
09/03/2019 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2019-20 | $5.05 | $1,483.28 |
09/03/2019 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $5.31 | $1,478.23 |
08/12/2019 | PAYMENT | ORCI, MARGARET CHECK | $-1,616.88 | $1,472.92 |
08/01/2019 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $15.35 | $3,089.80 |
07/15/2019 | BILL | DOUGLAS COUNTY TRUSTEE | $504.75 | $3,074.45 |
07/01/2019 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $15.35 | $2,569.70 |
06/04/2019 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $59.50 | $2,554.35 |
05/08/2019 | PENALTY | Publication Cost for Delinqncy | $8.35 | $2,494.85 |
05/02/2019 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $11.34 | $2,486.50 |
04/09/2019 | AMENDMENT | cert mailing cost - 60 day lmt | $6.80 | $2,475.16 |
03/29/2019 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $11.34 | $2,468.36 |
03/15/2019 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 2018-19 | $33.71 | $2,457.02 |
02/28/2019 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $11.34 | $2,423.31 |
02/12/2019 | AMENDMENT | disolved redevelopment dist 1 | $0.00 | $2,411.97 |
02/12/2019 | AMENDMENT | disolved redevelopment dist 1 | $0.00 | $2,411.97 |
02/01/2019 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $11.34 | $2,411.97 |
01/18/2019 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 3 Penalty for 2018-19 | $21.67 | $2,400.63 |
01/02/2019 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $11.34 | $2,378.96 |
11/30/2018 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $11.34 | $2,367.62 |
11/19/2018 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $11.34 | $2,356.28 |
10/15/2018 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 2018-19 | $12.04 | $2,344.94 |
10/02/2018 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $11.34 | $2,332.90 |
09/05/2018 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $11.34 | $2,321.56 |
09/05/2018 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2018-19 | $4.82 | $2,310.22 |
08/01/2018 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $11.34 | $2,305.40 |
07/12/2018 | BILL | ANDERSON, MARGARET | $481.64 | $2,294.06 |
07/02/2018 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $11.34 | $1,812.42 |
06/04/2018 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $74.22 | $1,801.08 |
05/07/2018 | PENALTY | Publication Cost for Delinqncy | $9.79 | $1,726.86 |
05/01/2018 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $5.62 | $1,717.07 |
04/06/2018 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $5.62 | $1,711.45 |
03/16/2018 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 2017-18 | $48.02 | $1,705.83 |
03/01/2018 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $5.62 | $1,657.81 |
02/01/2018 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $5.62 | $1,652.19 |
01/16/2018 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 3 Penalty for 2017-18 | $30.87 | $1,646.57 |
01/03/2018 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $5.62 | $1,615.70 |
12/04/2017 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $5.62 | $1,610.08 |
10/31/2017 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $5.62 | $1,604.46 |
10/16/2017 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 2017-18 | $17.15 | $1,598.84 |
10/02/2017 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $5.62 | $1,581.69 |
09/01/2017 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2017-18 | $6.86 | $1,576.07 |
09/01/2017 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $5.62 | $1,569.21 |
08/01/2017 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $5.62 | $1,563.59 |
07/17/2017 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $5.62 | $1,557.97 |
07/14/2017 | BILL | ANDERSON, MARGARET | $685.98 | $1,552.35 |
06/06/2017 | PENALTY | 2017 LIEN FEES ADDED | $14.00 | $866.37 |
06/05/2017 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $67.43 | $852.37 |
05/11/2017 | PENALTY | Publication Cost for Delinqncy | $9.51 | $784.94 |
03/17/2017 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 2016-17 | $47.20 | $775.43 |
01/17/2017 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 3 Penalty for 2016-17 | $30.34 | $728.23 |
10/18/2016 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 2016-17 | $16.86 | $697.89 |
08/30/2016 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2016-17 | $6.75 | $681.03 |
07/12/2016 | BILL | ANDERSON, MARGARET | $674.28 | $674.28 |
06/06/2016 | PAYMENT | MARGARET ORCI CHECK | $-631.73 | $0.00 |
05/10/2016 | PENALTY | Publication Cost for Delinqncy | $5.50 | $631.73 |
05/06/2016 | AMENDMENT | lien fee added lmt | $14.00 | $626.23 |
05/02/2016 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.18 | $612.23 |
04/05/2016 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.18 | $612.05 |
03/21/2016 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 2015-16 | $31.47 | $611.87 |
03/03/2016 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.18 | $580.40 |
02/03/2016 | PAYMENT | MARGARET ORCI CHECK | $-609.11 | $580.22 |
02/01/2016 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $2.42 | $1,189.33 |
01/19/2016 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 3 Penalty for 2015-16 | $20.23 | $1,186.91 |
01/05/2016 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $2.42 | $1,166.68 |
12/16/2015 | ADJUSTMENT | posted to wrong parcel cor err | $312.50 | $1,164.26 |
12/10/2015 | VOID | MARGARET ORCI CHECK | $-312.50 | $851.76 |
12/10/2015 | PAYMENT | MARGARET ORCI CHECK | $-334.24 | $1,164.26 |
12/01/2015 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $4.35 | $1,498.50 |
11/03/2015 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $4.35 | $1,494.15 |
10/28/2015 | PAYMENT | KENNETH ANDERSON CHECK | $-600.00 | $1,489.80 |
10/19/2015 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 2015-16 | $11.24 | $2,089.80 |
10/02/2015 | AMENDMENT | cert mailing costs added lmt | $26.92 | $2,078.56 |
10/01/2015 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $8.22 | $2,051.64 |
09/01/2015 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $8.22 | $2,043.42 |
09/01/2015 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2015-16 | $4.50 | $2,035.20 |
08/20/2015 | AMENDMENT | title search fee added lmt | $250.00 | $2,030.70 |
08/04/2015 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $8.22 | $1,780.70 |
07/14/2015 | BILL | DOUGLAS COUNTY TRUSTEE | $449.63 | $1,772.48 |
07/02/2015 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $8.22 | $1,322.85 |
06/01/2015 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $48.89 | $1,314.63 |
04/14/2015 | PENALTY | Publication Cost for Delinqncy | $6.48 | $1,265.74 |
04/14/2015 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $4.52 | $1,259.26 |
04/01/2015 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $4.52 | $1,254.74 |
03/17/2015 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 2014-15 | $31.06 | $1,250.22 |
03/02/2015 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $4.52 | $1,219.16 |
02/02/2015 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $4.52 | $1,214.64 |
01/20/2015 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 3 Penalty for 2014-15 | $19.97 | $1,210.12 |
01/02/2015 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $4.52 | $1,190.15 |
12/02/2014 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $4.52 | $1,185.63 |
11/03/2014 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $4.52 | $1,181.11 |
10/20/2014 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 2014-15 | $11.09 | $1,176.59 |
10/01/2014 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $4.52 | $1,165.50 |
09/03/2014 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2014-15 | $4.44 | $1,160.98 |
09/03/2014 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $4.52 | $1,156.54 |
08/01/2014 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $4.52 | $1,152.02 |
07/17/2014 | BILL | ANDERSON, MARGARET | $443.72 | $1,147.50 |
07/01/2014 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $4.52 | $703.78 |
06/03/2014 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $44.01 | $699.26 |
05/01/2014 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.93 | $655.25 |
04/01/2014 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.93 | $654.32 |
03/17/2014 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 2013-14 | $30.16 | $653.39 |
03/03/2014 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.93 | $623.23 |
02/03/2014 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.93 | $622.30 |
01/21/2014 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 3 Penalty for 2013-14 | $19.39 | $621.37 |
01/06/2014 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.93 | $601.98 |
12/02/2013 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.93 | $601.05 |
11/01/2013 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.93 | $600.12 |
10/21/2013 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 2013-14 | $10.77 | $599.19 |
10/01/2013 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.93 | $588.42 |
09/04/2013 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 2013-14 | $4.31 | $587.49 |
09/03/2013 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.93 | $583.18 |
08/01/2013 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.93 | $582.25 |
07/16/2013 | BILL | ANDERSON, MARGARET | $430.80 | $581.32 |
07/01/2013 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $0.93 | $150.52 |
06/07/2013 | PENALTY | Tax Certificate lien fee | $14.00 | $149.59 |
06/03/2013 | INTEREST | Monthly Interest | $11.13 | $135.59 |
04/30/2013 | PENALTY | Publication Cost for Delinqncy | $8.75 | $124.46 |
03/18/2013 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 2012-13 | $4.45 | $115.71 |
01/11/2013 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET CHECK | $-111.26 | $111.26 |
08/22/2012 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET CHECK | $-222.54 | $222.52 |
07/13/2012 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET | $445.06 | $445.06 |
06/27/2012 | PAYMENT | KENNY ANDERSON CHECK | $-294.28 | $0.00 |
06/27/2012 | AMENDMENT | waive pen medical - tll | $-20.60 | $294.28 |
06/27/2012 | ADJUSTMENT | disputed cc - tll | $314.88 | $314.88 |
04/16/2012 | VOID | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET CHECK | $-314.88 | $0.00 |
03/19/2012 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 4 Penalty for 2011-12 | $14.71 | $314.88 |
01/18/2012 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 3 Penalty for 2011-12 | $5.89 | $300.17 |
10/07/2011 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET CHECK | $-147.14 | $294.28 |
08/11/2011 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET CHECK | $-147.15 | $441.42 |
07/15/2011 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET | $588.57 | $588.57 |
03/09/2011 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET CHECK | $-142.85 | $0.00 |
01/07/2011 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET CHECK | $-142.85 | $142.85 |
10/07/2010 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET CHECK | $-142.85 | $285.70 |
08/10/2010 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET CHECK | $-142.88 | $428.55 |
07/14/2010 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET | $571.43 | $571.43 |
03/03/2010 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET CHECK | $-138.69 | $0.00 |
01/08/2010 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET CHECK | $-138.69 | $138.69 |
10/12/2009 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET CHECK | $-138.69 | $277.38 |
08/05/2009 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET CHECK | $-138.73 | $416.07 |
07/13/2009 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET | $554.80 | $554.80 |
03/04/2009 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET CHECK | $-134.65 | $0.00 |
01/07/2009 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET CHECK | $-134.65 | $134.65 |
10/08/2008 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET CHECK | $-134.65 | $269.30 |
08/20/2008 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET CHECK | $-134.68 | $403.95 |
07/18/2008 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET | $538.63 | $538.63 |
03/05/2008 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-126.26 | $0.00 |
01/09/2008 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-126.25 | $126.26 |
10/04/2007 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-126.25 | $252.51 |
08/22/2007 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-126.25 | $378.76 |
07/01/2007 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET TTEE | $505.01 | $505.01 |
03/07/2007 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-122.58 | $0.00 |
01/02/2007 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-122.58 | $122.58 |
10/04/2006 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-122.58 | $245.16 |
08/18/2006 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-122.58 | $367.74 |
07/01/2006 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET TTEE | $490.32 | $490.32 |
03/06/2006 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-119.01 | $0.00 |
01/09/2006 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-119.01 | $119.01 |
10/06/2005 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-119.01 | $238.02 |
08/03/2005 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-119.01 | $357.03 |
07/01/2005 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET TTEE | $476.04 | $476.04 |
03/09/2005 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-115.57 | $0.00 |
01/06/2005 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-115.54 | $115.57 |
10/06/2004 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-115.54 | $231.11 |
08/12/2004 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-115.54 | $346.65 |
07/01/2004 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET TTEE | $462.19 | $462.19 |
03/04/2004 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-114.96 | $0.00 |
01/07/2004 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-114.96 | $114.96 |
10/08/2003 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-114.96 | $229.92 |
08/14/2003 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-114.96 | $344.88 |
07/01/2003 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET TTEE | $459.84 | $459.84 |
03/05/2003 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-116.80 | $0.00 |
01/07/2003 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-116.78 | $116.80 |
10/07/2002 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-116.78 | $233.58 |
08/22/2002 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-116.78 | $350.36 |
07/01/2002 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET TTEE | $467.14 | $467.14 |
03/07/2002 | PAYMENT | VERL ANDERSON | $-117.40 | $0.00 |
01/10/2002 | PAYMENT | MARGARET ANDERSON | $-117.39 | $117.40 |
10/03/2001 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, DENNIS | $-117.39 | $234.79 |
08/30/2001 | PAYMENT | MARGARET ANDERSON | $-117.39 | $352.18 |
07/01/2001 | BILL | ANDERSON, DENNIS | $469.57 | $469.57 |
03/05/2001 | PAYMENT | MARGARET ANDERSON | $-100.00 | $0.00 |
01/04/2001 | PAYMENT | MARGARET ANDERSON | $-100.00 | $100.00 |
10/04/2000 | PAYMENT | MARGARET ANDERSON | $-100.00 | $200.00 |
08/25/2000 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, DENNIS | $-100.00 | $300.00 |
07/01/2000 | BILL | ANDERSON, DENNIS | $400.00 | $400.00 |
03/06/2000 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-103.15 | $0.00 |
01/05/2000 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-103.13 | $103.15 |
11/02/1999 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-210.39 | $206.28 |
10/29/1999 | AMENDMENT | 1999-00 Bill was Amended | $0.00 | $416.67 |
08/28/1999 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 1 Penalty for 1999-00 | $4.13 | $416.67 |
07/01/1999 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET TRUS | $412.54 | $412.54 |
03/02/1999 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-102.58 | $0.00 |
01/05/1999 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-102.55 | $102.58 |
11/23/1998 | AMENDMENT | 1998-99 Bill was Amended | $0.00 | $205.13 |
10/07/1998 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-102.55 | $205.13 |
08/12/1998 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-102.55 | $307.68 |
07/01/1998 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET TRUS | $410.23 | $410.23 |
03/05/1998 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-102.71 | $0.00 |
01/09/1998 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-102.70 | $102.71 |
10/07/1997 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-102.70 | $205.41 |
08/13/1997 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-102.70 | $308.11 |
07/01/1997 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET TRUS | $410.81 | $410.81 |
03/04/1997 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-121.28 | $0.00 |
01/10/1997 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-121.27 | $121.28 |
12/20/1996 | PAYMENT | VERL ANDERSON | $-126.12 | $242.55 |
10/14/1996 | PENALTY | Instlmnt 2 Penalty for 1996-97 | $4.85 | $368.67 |
08/20/1996 | PAYMENT | ANDERSON, VERL & MAR | $-121.27 | $363.82 |
07/01/1996 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET TRUS | $485.09 | $485.09 |
03/06/1996 | PAYMENT | $-123.90 | $0.00 | |
01/08/1996 | PAYMENT | $-123.87 | $123.90 | |
10/09/1995 | PAYMENT | $-123.87 | $247.77 | |
08/24/1995 | PAYMENT | $-123.87 | $371.64 | |
07/01/1995 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET TRUS | $495.51 | $495.51 |
03/10/1995 | PAYMENT | $-69.03 | $0.00 | |
01/04/1995 | PAYMENT | $-69.01 | $69.03 | |
10/10/1994 | PAYMENT | $-69.01 | $138.04 | |
08/09/1994 | PAYMENT | $-69.01 | $207.05 | |
07/01/1994 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET TRUS | $276.06 | $276.06 |
03/07/1994 | PAYMENT | $-64.03 | $0.00 | |
01/06/1994 | PAYMENT | $-64.01 | $64.03 | |
10/07/1993 | PAYMENT | $-64.01 | $128.04 | |
08/04/1993 | PAYMENT | $-64.01 | $192.05 | |
07/01/1993 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET L | $256.06 | $256.06 |
03/03/1993 | PAYMENT | $-63.85 | $0.00 | |
01/06/1993 | PAYMENT | $-63.83 | $63.85 | |
10/08/1992 | PAYMENT | $-63.83 | $127.68 | |
08/06/1992 | PAYMENT | $-63.83 | $191.51 | |
07/01/1992 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET L | $255.34 | $255.34 |
03/11/1992 | PAYMENT | $-59.68 | $0.00 | |
01/03/1992 | PAYMENT | $-59.67 | $59.68 | |
10/03/1991 | PAYMENT | $-59.67 | $119.35 | |
08/22/1991 | PAYMENT | $-59.67 | $179.02 | |
07/01/1991 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET L | $238.69 | $238.69 |
03/06/1991 | PAYMENT | $-58.61 | $0.00 | |
01/08/1991 | PAYMENT | $-58.59 | $58.61 | |
10/01/1990 | PAYMENT | $-58.59 | $117.20 | |
08/02/1990 | PAYMENT | $-58.59 | $175.79 | |
07/01/1990 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET L | $234.38 | $234.38 |
03/06/1990 | PAYMENT | $-55.63 | $0.00 | |
01/05/1990 | PAYMENT | $-55.61 | $55.63 | |
10/04/1989 | PAYMENT | $-55.61 | $111.24 | |
08/23/1989 | PAYMENT | $-55.61 | $166.85 | |
07/01/1989 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET L | $222.46 | $222.46 |
02/24/1989 | PAYMENT | $-54.66 | $0.00 | |
01/06/1989 | PAYMENT | $-54.63 | $54.66 | |
10/05/1988 | PAYMENT | $-54.63 | $109.29 | |
08/10/1988 | PAYMENT | $-54.63 | $163.92 | |
07/01/1988 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET L | $218.55 | $218.55 |
03/03/1988 | PAYMENT | $-56.08 | $0.00 | |
01/04/1988 | PAYMENT | $-56.08 | $56.08 | |
10/05/1987 | PAYMENT | $-56.08 | $112.16 | |
08/11/1987 | PAYMENT | $-56.08 | $168.24 | |
07/01/1987 | BILL | ANDERSON, VERL & MARGARET L | $224.32 | $224.32 |
02/26/1987 | PAYMENT | $-48.17 | $0.00 | |
12/30/1986 | PAYMENT | $-48.16 | $48.17 | |
10/07/1986 | PAYMENT | $-48.16 | $96.33 | |
07/17/1986 | PAYMENT | $-48.16 | $144.49 | |
07/01/1986 | BILL | ANDERSON,VERL & MARGARET L | $192.65 | $192.65 |