Tax Account AC001089
Account Summary
Account ID | AC001089 |
Account Type | Personal Property |
Location | DC AIRPORT |
Balance | $0.00 |
Currently Due | $0.00 |
Current Year
Description | 2024/2025 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES |
Original | $158.16 |
Total | $158.16 |
Paid | $158.16 |
Balance | $0.00 |
Due | $0.00 |
Ad Valorem Tax Rate | 2.8699 |
Tax District | 500 (GENERAL COUNTY/CWS/MOSQ) |
Past Years
Description | Original | Penalty | Paid | Balance | Due | Tax Rate | Tax District |
2023/2024 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES | $185.77 | $0.00 | $185.77 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 500 |
2022/2023 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES | $193.26 | $0.00 | $193.26 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 500 |
2021/2022 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES | $209.30 | $0.00 | $209.30 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 500 |
2020/2021 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES | $230.42 | $0.00 | $230.42 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 500 |
2019/2020 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES | $247.67 | $0.00 | $247.67 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 500 |
2018/2019 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES | $267.30 | $0.00 | $267.30 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 500 |
2017/2018 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES | $304.38 | $0.00 | $304.38 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 2.8699 | 500 |
Tax Bill and Payment History
Date | Type | Billed to / Payer Name / Note | Amount | Balance |
07/24/2024 | PAYMENT | MORGAN, JOHN M CHECK 1015 | $-158.16 | $0.00 |
07/15/2024 | BILL | MORGAN, JOHN M | $158.16 | $158.16 |
07/28/2023 | PAYMENT | MORGAN FAMILY TRUST ET AL CHECK 1007 | $-185.77 | $0.00 |
07/20/2023 | BILL | MORGAN, JOHN M | $185.77 | $185.77 |
09/01/2022 | PAYMENT | MORGAN, JOHN & JANICE CASH | $-193.26 | $0.00 |
08/26/2022 | BILL | MORGAN, JOHN M | $193.26 | $193.26 |
08/10/2021 | PAYMENT | MORGAN, JOHN M CHECK | $-209.30 | $0.00 |
07/21/2021 | BILL | MORGAN, JOHN M | $209.30 | $209.30 |
07/24/2020 | PAYMENT | MORGAN, JOHN M CHECK | $-230.42 | $0.00 |
07/15/2020 | BILL | MORGAN, JOHN M | $230.42 | $230.42 |
08/15/2019 | PAYMENT | JOHN MORGAN CHECK | $-247.67 | $0.00 |
07/10/2019 | BILL | MORGAN, JOHN M | $247.67 | $247.67 |
07/19/2018 | PAYMENT | MORGAN, JOHN M CHECK | $-267.30 | $0.00 |
07/13/2018 | BILL | MORGAN, JOHN M | $267.30 | $267.30 |
08/04/2017 | PAYMENT | MORGAN, JOHN M CHECK | $-304.38 | $0.00 |
07/17/2017 | BILL | MORGAN, JOHN M | $304.38 | $304.38 |
07/26/2016 | PAYMENT | MORGAN, JOHN M CHECK | $-333.37 | $0.00 |
07/14/2016 | BILL | MORGAN, JOHN M | $333.37 | $333.37 |
07/28/2015 | PAYMENT | MORGAN, JOHN M CHECK | $-364.36 | $0.00 |
07/14/2015 | BILL | MORGAN, JOHN M | $364.36 | $364.36 |
08/17/2014 | PAYMENT | MORGAN, JOHN M CHECK | $-406.75 | $0.00 |
07/14/2014 | BILL | MORGAN, JOHN M | $406.75 | $406.75 |
08/07/2013 | PAYMENT | MORGAN, JOHN M CHECK | $-433.35 | $0.00 |
07/15/2013 | BILL | MORGAN, JOHN M | $433.35 | $433.35 |
07/30/2012 | PAYMENT | MORGAN, JOHN M CHECK | $-469.26 | $0.00 |
07/16/2012 | BILL | MORGAN, JOHN M | $469.26 | $469.26 |
08/19/2011 | PAYMENT | MORGAN, JOHN M CHECK | $-515.12 | $0.00 |
07/14/2011 | BILL | MORGAN, JOHN M | $515.12 | $515.12 |
08/13/2010 | PAYMENT | MORGAN, JOHN M CHECK | $-565.92 | $0.00 |
07/14/2010 | BILL | MORGAN, JOHN M | $565.92 | $565.92 |
08/18/2009 | PAYMENT | MORGAN, JOHN M CHECK | $-595.50 | $0.00 |
07/14/2009 | BILL | MORGAN, JOHN M | $595.50 | $595.50 |
07/29/2008 | PAYMENT | MORGAN, JOHN M CHECK | $-653.78 | $0.00 |
07/15/2008 | BILL | MORGAN, JOHN M | $653.78 | $653.78 |
08/23/2006 | PAYMENT | MORGAN, JOHN M CHECK | $-1,513.21 | $0.00 |
07/19/2006 | BILL | MORGAN, JOHN M | $1,513.21 | $1,513.21 |
07/20/2005 | PAYMENT | MORGAN, JOHN M CHECK | $-1,401.15 | $0.00 |
07/14/2005 | BILL | MORGAN, JOHN M | $1,401.15 | $1,401.15 |