Tax Account CP000555
PO BOX 628
GENOA, NV 89411
Account Summary
Account ID | CP000555 |
Account Type | Personal Property |
Location | 2299 MAIN ST genoa |
Balance | $0.00 |
Currently Due | $0.00 |
Current Year
Description | 2023/2024 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES |
Original | $0.00 |
Total | $0.00 |
Paid | $0.00 |
Balance | $0.00 |
Due | $0.00 |
Ad Valorem Tax Rate | 3.4915 |
Tax District | 540 (TOWN OF GENOA) |
Past Years
Description | Original | Penalty | Paid | Balance | Due | Tax Rate | Tax District |
2022/2023 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 3.4915 | 540 |
2021/2022 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 540 | |
2020/2021 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 540 | |
2019/2020 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 540 | |
2018/2019 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES | $12.26 | $0.00 | $12.26 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 3.4976 | 545 |
2017/2018 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES | $14.43 | $0.00 | $14.43 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 3.4976 | 545 |
Special Assessments and Other Fees
Year | Code | Description | Amount | Paid | Balance | Due |
2017-2018 | S05 | Redevelopment 1 | 2.81 | 2.81 | .00 | .00 |
Tax Bill and Payment History
Date | Type | Billed to / Payer Name / Note | Amount | Balance |
11/29/2023 | BILL | DANCING DEER, THE | $0.00 | $0.00 |
11/29/2023 | BILL | Below minimum amount to Bill | $0.00 | $0.00 |
01/30/2023 | BILL | DANCING DEER, THE | $0.00 | $0.00 |
01/30/2023 | BILL | Below minimum amount to Bill | $0.00 | $0.00 |
12/01/2021 | BILL | Below minimum amount to Bill | $0.00 | $0.00 |
12/01/2020 | BILL | Below minimum amount to Bill | $0.00 | $0.00 |
02/05/2020 | BILL | Below minimum amount to Bill | $0.00 | $0.00 |
01/10/2019 | PAYMENT | DANCING DEER, THE CHECK | $-12.26 | $0.00 |
11/26/2018 | BILL | DANCING DEER, THE | $12.26 | $12.26 |
12/22/2017 | PAYMENT | DANCING DEER, THE CHECK | $-14.43 | $0.00 |
11/09/2017 | BILL | DANCING DEER, THE | $14.43 | $14.43 |
01/26/2017 | PAYMENT | Amend: Auto Restore Payment CHECK | $-19.24 | $0.00 |
01/26/2017 | AMENDMENT | Penalty under $5 da | $-1.92 | $19.24 |
01/26/2017 | ADJUSTMENT | Amend: Auto Adj Out Payment | $19.24 | $21.16 |
01/26/2017 | VOID | DANCING DEER, THE CHECK | $-19.24 | $1.92 |
01/18/2017 | INTEREST | Instlmnt3 Interest for 2016-17 | $1.92 | $21.16 |
11/16/2016 | BILL | DANCING DEER, THE | $19.24 | $19.24 |
12/01/2015 | PAYMENT | DANCING DEER, THE CHECK | $-24.91 | $0.00 |
11/18/2015 | BILL | DANCING DEER, THE | $24.91 | $24.91 |
12/09/2014 | PAYMENT | DANCING DEER, THE CHECK | $-22.77 | $0.00 |
11/25/2014 | BILL | DANCING DEER, THE | $22.77 | $22.77 |
11/22/2013 | PAYMENT | DANCING DEER, THE CHECK | $-25.78 | $0.00 |
11/15/2013 | BILL | DANCING DEER, THE | $25.78 | $25.78 |
12/06/2012 | PAYMENT | DANCING DEER THE CHECK | $-29.23 | $0.00 |
11/19/2012 | BILL | DANCING DEER THE | $29.23 | $29.23 |
11/15/2011 | PAYMENT | DANCING DEER THE CHECK | $-41.70 | $0.00 |
11/07/2011 | BILL | DANCING DEER THE | $41.70 | $41.70 |
11/22/2010 | PAYMENT | DANCING DEER THE CHECK | $-48.38 | $0.00 |
10/27/2010 | BILL | DANCING DEER THE | $48.38 | $48.38 |
10/27/2009 | PAYMENT | DANCING DEER THE CHECK | $-55.05 | $0.00 |
10/20/2009 | BILL | DANCING DEER THE | $55.05 | $55.05 |
01/08/2009 | PAYMENT | DANCING DEER THE CHECK | $-65.12 | $0.00 |
11/17/2008 | BILL | DANCING DEER THE | $65.12 | $65.12 |
11/06/2007 | PAYMENT | DANCING DEER, THE CHECK | $-36.63 | $0.00 |
10/30/2007 | BILL | DANCING DEER, THE | $36.63 | $36.63 |
11/03/2006 | PAYMENT | DANCING DEER, THE CHECK | $-42.11 | $0.00 |
10/24/2006 | BILL | DANCING DEER, THE | $42.11 | $42.11 |
11/02/2005 | PAYMENT | DANCING DEER, THE CHECK | $-40.51 | $0.00 |
10/27/2005 | BILL | DANCING DEER, THE | $40.51 | $40.51 |
10/27/2004 | PAYMENT | DANCING DEER, THE CHECK | $-41.72 | $0.00 |
10/20/2004 | BILL | DANCING DEER, THE | $41.72 | $41.72 |
11/03/2003 | PAYMENT | DANCING DEER, THE CHECK | $-46.87 | $0.00 |
10/27/2003 | BILL | DANCING DEER, THE | $46.87 | $46.87 |
01/10/2003 | PAYMENT | DANCING DEAR CHECK | $-57.47 | $0.00 |
12/12/2002 | BILL | DANCING DEAR | $57.47 | $57.47 |