Great People. Great Places.

Tax Account CP011640


MINDEN, NV 89423

Account Summary

Account ID CP011640
Account Type Personal Property
Location 1701 COUNTY RD #K
Balance $0.00
Currently Due $0.00

Current Year

Description 2023/2024 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES
Original $226.15
Total $226.15
Paid $226.15
Balance $0.00
Due $0.00
Ad Valorem Tax Rate 3.6600
Tax District 510 (TOWN OF MINDEN)


#Due DatePenalty DateStatusOriginal TotalPenaltyTotalPaidTotal Due

Past Years

DescriptionOriginalPenaltyPaidBalanceDueTax RateTax District
2022/2023 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES$228.05$0.00$228.05$0.00$0.003.6600510
2021/2022 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES$226.74$0.00$226.74$0.00$0.003.6600510
2020/2021 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES$242.55$0.00$242.55$0.00$0.003.6600510
2019/2020 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES$257.74$0.00$257.74$0.00$0.003.6600510
2018/2019 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES$139.78$0.00$139.78$0.00$0.003.6600510
2017/2018 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES$139.56$0.00$139.56$0.00$0.003.6600510

Tax Bill and Payment History

DateTypeBilled to / Payer Name / NoteAmountBalance
12/12/2023PAYMENTALLEN, MARK A DDS CHECK 12821$-226.15$0.00
11/29/2023BILLALLEN, MARK A DDS$226.15$226.15
03/01/2023PAYMENTALLEN, MARK A DDS CHECK 12704$-228.05$0.00
01/30/2023BILLALLEN, MARK A DDS$228.05$228.05
12/14/2021PAYMENTALLEN, MARK A DDS CHECK$-226.74$0.00
12/01/2021BILLALLEN, MARK A DDS$226.74$226.74
12/14/2020PAYMENTALLEN, MARK A DDS CHECK$-242.55$0.00
12/01/2020BILLALLEN, MARK A DDS$242.55$242.55
11/21/2019PAYMENTALLEN, MARK A DDS CHECK$-257.74$0.00
11/19/2019BILLALLEN, MARK A DDS$257.74$257.74
12/26/2018PAYMENTALLEN, MARK A DDS CHECK$-139.78$0.00
11/26/2018BILLALLEN, MARK A DDS$139.78$139.78
11/21/2017PAYMENTALLEN, MARK A DDS CHECK$-139.56$0.00
11/09/2017BILLALLEN, MARK A DDS$139.56$139.56
12/01/2016PAYMENTALLEN, MARK A DDS CHECK$-125.03$0.00
11/16/2016BILLALLEN, MARK A DDS$125.03$125.03
12/01/2015PAYMENTALLEN, MARK A DDS CHECK$-133.85$0.00
11/18/2015BILLALLEN, MARK A DDS$133.85$133.85
12/04/2014PAYMENTALLEN, MARK A DDS CHECK$-148.45$0.00
11/25/2014BILLALLEN, MARK A DDS$148.45$148.45
12/02/2013PAYMENTALLEN, MARK A DDS CHECK$-151.12$0.00
11/15/2013BILLALLEN, MARK A DDS$151.12$151.12
12/04/2012PAYMENTALLEN, MARK A DDS CHECK$-171.95$0.00
11/19/2012BILLALLEN, MARK A DDS$171.95$171.95
11/28/2011PAYMENTALLEN, MARK A DDS CHECK$-197.75$0.00
11/07/2011BILLALLEN, MARK A DDS$197.75$197.75
11/12/2010PAYMENTALLEN, MARK A DDS CHECK$-251.51$0.00
10/27/2010BILLALLEN, MARK A DDS$251.51$251.51
12/03/2009PAYMENTALLEN, MARK A DDS CHECK$-322.84$0.00
10/20/2009BILLALLEN, MARK A DDS$322.84$322.84
12/18/2008PAYMENTALLEN, MARK A DDS CHECK$-384.64$0.00
11/17/2008BILLALLEN, MARK A DDS$384.64$384.64
11/15/2007PAYMENTALLEN, MARK A DDS CHECK$-456.18$0.00
10/30/2007BILLALLEN, MARK A DDS$456.18$456.18
11/01/2006PAYMENTALLEN, MARK A DDS CHECK$-565.86$0.00
10/24/2006BILLALLEN, MARK A DDS$565.86$565.86
11/03/2005PAYMENTALLEN, MARK A DDS CHECK$-504.38$0.00
10/27/2005BILLALLEN, MARK A DDS$504.38$504.38
10/27/2004PAYMENTALLEN, MARK A DDS CHECK$-594.01$0.00
10/20/2004BILLALLEN, MARK A DDS$594.01$594.01
11/03/2003PAYMENTALLEN, MARK A DDS CHECK$-631.28$0.00
10/27/2003BILLALLEN, MARK A DDS$631.28$631.28
12/23/2002PAYMENTALLEN, MARK A DDS CHECK BANK: 0 NUM: 0$-705.66$0.00
12/12/2002BILLALLEN, MARK A DDS$705.66$705.66
10/03/2001PAYMENTALLEN, MARK A DDS CHECK BANK: 0 NUM: 0$-687.78$0.00
09/06/2001BILLALLEN, MARK A DDS$687.78$687.78
11/15/2000PAYMENTALLEN, MARK DDS CHECK BANK: 0 NUM: 0$-705.28$0.00
11/09/2000BILLALLEN, MARK DDS$705.28$705.28
12/02/1999PAYMENTALLEN, MARK DDS CHECK$-785.65$0.00
11/12/1999BILLALLEN, MARK DDS$785.65$785.65
12/21/1998AMENDMENTTax Paid Amount$-904.82$0.00
12/21/1998BILLALLEN, MARK DDS$904.82$904.82
11/25/1997AMENDMENTTax Paid Amount$-1,041.58$0.00
11/25/1997BILLALLEN, MARK DDS$1,041.58$1,041.58