10/22/2024 | PENALTY | INSTALLMENT 2 PENALTY FOR 2024/2025 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES | $5.46 | $229.52 |
09/03/2024 | PENALTY | INSTALLMENT 1 PENALTY FOR 2024/2025 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES | $5.49 | $224.06 |
07/15/2024 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $218.57 | $218.57 |
06/20/2024 | AMENDMENT | SECURING 23/24 DELINQUENT PP TO REAL ROLL | $-246.75 | $24.67 |
03/18/2024 | PENALTY | INSTALLMENT 4 PENALTY FOR 2023/2024 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES | $6.16 | $271.42 |
01/16/2024 | PENALTY | INSTALLMENT 3 PENALTY FOR 2023/2024 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES | $6.16 | $265.26 |
10/16/2023 | PENALTY | INSTALLMENT 2 PENALTY FOR 2023/2024 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES | $6.16 | $259.10 |
09/01/2023 | PENALTY | INSTALLMENT 1 PENALTY FOR 2023/2024 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES | $6.19 | $252.94 |
07/20/2023 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $246.75 | $246.75 |
06/22/2023 | AMENDMENT | SECURING 22/23 DELINQUENT PP TO REAL ROLL | $-250.14 | $0.00 |
03/21/2023 | PENALTY | INSTALLMENT 4 PENALTY FOR 2022/2023 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES | $5.68 | $250.14 |
01/18/2023 | PENALTY | INSTALLMENT 3 PENALTY FOR 2022/2023 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES | $5.68 | $244.46 |
10/20/2022 | PENALTY | INSTALLMENT 2 PENALTY FOR 2022/2023 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES | $5.68 | $238.78 |
08/31/2022 | PENALTY | INSTALLMENT 1 PENALTY FOR 2022/2023 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES | $5.70 | $233.10 |
07/26/2022 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $227.40 | $227.40 |
07/26/2022 | AMENDMENT | UNDO BILL | $-227.40 | $0.00 |
07/26/2022 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $227.40 | $227.40 |
06/24/2022 | AMENDMENT | moved to 1220-28-510-039 MA | $-241.91 | $0.00 |
03/21/2022 | INTEREST | Instlmnt4 Interest for 2021-22 | $5.50 | $241.91 |
01/19/2022 | INTEREST | Instlmnt3 Interest for 2021-22 | $5.50 | $236.41 |
10/18/2021 | INTEREST | Instlmnt2 Interest for 2021-22 | $5.50 | $230.91 |
09/03/2021 | INTEREST | Instlmnt1 Interest for 2021-22 | $5.50 | $225.41 |
07/21/2021 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $219.91 | $219.91 |
06/18/2021 | AMENDMENT | Moved to parcel 122028510039 | $-233.95 | $0.00 |
03/16/2021 | INTEREST | Instlmnt4 Interest for 2020-21 | $5.32 | $233.95 |
01/20/2021 | INTEREST | Instlmnt3 Interest for 2020-21 | $5.32 | $228.63 |
10/19/2020 | INTEREST | Instlmnt2 Interest for 2020-21 | $5.32 | $223.31 |
09/01/2020 | INTEREST | Instlmnt1 Interest for 2020-21 | $5.32 | $217.99 |
07/15/2020 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $212.67 | $212.67 |
11/15/2019 | PAYMENT | HUGHES, ANGELA M CHECK | $-871.68 | $0.00 |
10/18/2019 | INTEREST | Instlmnt2 Interest for 2019-20 | $5.16 | $871.68 |
09/03/2019 | INTEREST | Instlmnt1 Interest for 2019-20 | $5.16 | $866.52 |
07/10/2019 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $206.48 | $861.36 |
03/15/2019 | INTEREST | Instlmnt4 Interest for 2018-19 | $5.10 | $654.88 |
01/18/2019 | INTEREST | Instlmnt3 Interest for 2018-19 | $5.10 | $649.78 |
10/15/2018 | INTEREST | Instlmnt2 Interest for 2018-19 | $5.10 | $644.68 |
09/05/2018 | INTEREST | Instlmnt1 Interest for 2018-19 | $5.10 | $639.58 |
07/13/2018 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $204.09 | $634.48 |
03/19/2018 | INTEREST | Instlmnt4 Interest for 2017-18 | $4.95 | $430.39 |
01/16/2018 | INTEREST | Instlmnt3 Interest for 2017-18 | $4.95 | $425.44 |
10/16/2017 | INTEREST | Instlmnt2 Interest for 2017-18 | $4.95 | $420.49 |
09/01/2017 | INTEREST | Instlmnt1 Interest for 2017-18 | $4.96 | $415.54 |
07/17/2017 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $198.14 | $410.58 |
03/17/2017 | INTEREST | Instlmnt4 Interest for 2016-17 | $4.83 | $212.44 |
01/18/2017 | INTEREST | Instlmnt3 Interest for 2016-17 | $4.83 | $207.61 |
10/18/2016 | INTEREST | Instlmnt2 Interest for 2016-17 | $4.83 | $202.78 |
08/30/2016 | INTEREST | Instlmnt1 Interest for 2016-17 | $4.83 | $197.95 |
07/14/2016 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $193.12 | $193.12 |
04/19/2016 | PAYMENT | HUGHES, ANGELA M CHECK | $-617.69 | $0.00 |
03/22/2016 | INTEREST | Instlmnt4 Interest for 2015-16 | $4.82 | $617.69 |
01/15/2016 | INTEREST | Instlmnt3 Interest for 2015-16 | $4.82 | $612.87 |
10/19/2015 | INTEREST | Instlmnt2 Interest for 2015-16 | $4.82 | $608.05 |
09/01/2015 | INTEREST | Instlmnt1 Interest for 2015-16 | $4.82 | $603.23 |
07/14/2015 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $192.73 | $598.41 |
03/13/2015 | INTEREST | Instlmnt4 Interest for 2014-15 | $4.68 | $405.68 |
01/16/2015 | INTEREST | Instlmnt3 Interest for 2014-15 | $4.68 | $401.00 |
10/20/2014 | INTEREST | Instlmnt2 Interest for 2014-15 | $4.68 | $396.32 |
09/02/2014 | INTEREST | Instlmnt1 Interest for 2014-15 | $4.68 | $391.64 |
07/14/2014 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $187.13 | $386.96 |
03/17/2014 | INTEREST | Instlmnt4 Interest for 2013-14 | $4.54 | $199.83 |
01/17/2014 | INTEREST | Instlmnt3 Interest for 2013-14 | $4.54 | $195.29 |
10/18/2013 | INTEREST | Instlmnt2 Interest for 2013-14 | $4.54 | $190.75 |
09/04/2013 | INTEREST | Instlmnt1 Interest for 2013-14 | $4.54 | $186.21 |
07/15/2013 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $181.67 | $181.67 |
01/29/2013 | PAYMENT | HUGHES, ANGELA M CHECK | $-2,357.65 | $0.00 |
01/18/2013 | INTEREST | Instlmnt3 Interest for 2012-13 | $4.41 | $2,357.65 |
10/16/2012 | INTEREST | Instlmnt2 Interest for 2012-13 | $4.41 | $2,353.24 |
09/10/2012 | INTEREST | Instlmnt1 Interest for 2012-13 | $4.41 | $2,348.83 |
07/16/2012 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $176.38 | $2,344.42 |
03/19/2012 | INTEREST | Instlmnt4 Interest for 2011-12 | $4.28 | $2,168.04 |
01/17/2012 | INTEREST | Instlmnt3 Interest for 2011-12 | $4.28 | $2,163.76 |
10/19/2011 | INTEREST | Instlmnt2 Interest for 2011-12 | $4.28 | $2,159.48 |
08/30/2011 | INTEREST | Instlmnt1 Interest for 2011-12 | $4.28 | $2,155.20 |
07/14/2011 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $171.23 | $2,150.92 |
03/18/2011 | INTEREST | Instlmnt4 Interest for 2010-11 | $4.16 | $1,979.69 |
01/19/2011 | INTEREST | Instlmnt3 Interest for 2010-11 | $4.16 | $1,975.53 |
10/18/2010 | INTEREST | Instlmnt2 Interest for 2010-11 | $4.16 | $1,971.37 |
08/30/2010 | INTEREST | Instlmnt1 Interest for 2010-11 | $4.16 | $1,967.21 |
07/14/2010 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $166.25 | $1,963.05 |
03/15/2010 | INTEREST | Instlmnt4 Interest for 2009-10 | $4.04 | $1,796.80 |
01/20/2010 | INTEREST | Instlmnt3 Interest for 2009-10 | $4.04 | $1,792.76 |
10/20/2009 | INTEREST | Instlmnt2 Interest for 2009-10 | $4.04 | $1,788.72 |
09/01/2009 | INTEREST | Instlmnt1 Interest for 2009-10 | $4.04 | $1,784.68 |
07/14/2009 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $161.43 | $1,780.64 |
03/17/2009 | INTEREST | Instlmnt4 Interest for 2008-09 | $3.92 | $1,619.21 |
01/20/2009 | INTEREST | Instlmnt3 Interest for 2008-09 | $3.92 | $1,615.29 |
10/21/2008 | INTEREST | Instlmnt2 Interest for 2008-09 | $3.92 | $1,611.37 |
09/03/2008 | INTEREST | Instlmnt1 Interest for 2008-09 | $3.92 | $1,607.45 |
07/14/2008 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $156.74 | $1,603.53 |
03/14/2008 | INTEREST | Instlmnt4 Interest for 2007-08 | $3.80 | $1,446.79 |
01/18/2008 | INTEREST | Instlmnt3 Interest for 2007-08 | $3.80 | $1,442.99 |
10/15/2007 | INTEREST | Instlmnt2 Interest for 2007-08 | $3.80 | $1,439.19 |
09/04/2007 | INTEREST | Instlmnt1 Interest for 2007-08 | $3.80 | $1,435.39 |
07/17/2007 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $152.16 | $1,431.59 |
03/20/2007 | INTEREST | Instlmnt4 Interest for 2006-07 | $3.69 | $1,279.43 |
01/17/2007 | INTEREST | Instlmnt3 Interest for 2006-07 | $3.69 | $1,275.74 |
10/18/2006 | INTEREST | Instlmnt2 Interest for 2006-07 | $3.69 | $1,272.05 |
09/05/2006 | INTEREST | Instlmnt1 Interest for 2006-07 | $3.69 | $1,268.36 |
07/19/2006 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $147.73 | $1,264.67 |
03/20/2006 | INTEREST | Instlmnt4 Interest for 2005-06 | $3.59 | $1,116.94 |
01/18/2006 | INTEREST | Instlmnt3 Interest for 2005-06 | $3.59 | $1,113.35 |
10/19/2005 | INTEREST | Instlmnt2 Interest for 2005-06 | $3.59 | $1,109.76 |
08/29/2005 | INTEREST | Instlmnt1 Interest for 2005-06 | $3.59 | $1,106.17 |
07/14/2005 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $143.43 | $1,102.58 |
03/21/2005 | INTEREST | Instlmnt4 Interest for 2004-05 | $3.62 | $959.15 |
01/18/2005 | INTEREST | Instlmnt3 Interest for 2004-05 | $3.62 | $955.53 |
10/21/2004 | INTEREST | Instlmnt2 Interest for 2004-05 | $3.62 | $951.91 |
08/30/2004 | INTEREST | Instlmnt1 Interest for 2004-05 | $3.62 | $948.29 |
07/14/2004 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $144.75 | $944.67 |
03/15/2004 | INTEREST | Instlmnt4 Interest for 2003-04 | $3.60 | $799.92 |
01/21/2004 | INTEREST | Instlmnt3 Interest for 2003-04 | $3.60 | $796.32 |
10/20/2003 | INTEREST | Instlmnt2 Interest for 2003-04 | $3.60 | $792.72 |
09/02/2003 | INTEREST | Instlmnt1 Interest for 2003-04 | $3.60 | $789.12 |
07/21/2003 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $144.13 | $785.52 |
03/17/2003 | INTEREST | Instlmnt4 Interest for 2002-03 | $2.64 | $641.39 |
01/17/2003 | INTEREST | Instlmnt3 Interest for 2002-03 | $2.64 | $638.75 |
10/21/2002 | INTEREST | Instlmnt2 Interest for 2002-03 | $2.64 | $636.11 |
09/03/2002 | INTEREST | Instlmnt1 Interest for 2002-03 | $2.66 | $633.47 |
07/24/2002 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $105.62 | $630.81 |
03/18/2002 | INTEREST | Instlmnt4 Interest for 2001-02 | $2.63 | $525.19 |
01/22/2002 | INTEREST | Instlmnt3 Interest for 2001-02 | $2.63 | $522.56 |
10/16/2001 | INTEREST | Instlmnt2 Interest for 2001-02 | $2.63 | $519.93 |
09/06/2001 | INTEREST | Instlmnt1 Interest for 2001-02 | $2.65 | $517.30 |
07/16/2001 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $105.24 | $514.65 |
03/20/2001 | INTEREST | Instlmnt4 Interest for 2000-01 | $2.60 | $409.41 |
01/17/2001 | INTEREST | Instlmnt3 Interest for 2000-01 | $2.60 | $406.81 |
10/13/2000 | INTEREST | Instlmnt2 Interest for 2000-01 | $2.60 | $404.21 |
09/05/2000 | INTEREST | Instlmnt1 Interest for 2000-01 | $2.63 | $401.61 |
07/18/2000 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M | $104.20 | $398.98 |
03/17/2000 | INTEREST | Instlmnt4 Interest for 1999-00 | $2.59 | $294.78 |
01/14/2000 | INTEREST | Instlmnt3 Interest for 1999-00 | $2.59 | $292.19 |
10/15/1999 | INTEREST | Instlmnt2 Interest for 1999-00 | $2.59 | $289.60 |
08/30/1999 | INTEREST | Instlmnt1 Interest for 1999-00 | $2.62 | $287.01 |
07/14/1999 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M. | $103.73 | $284.39 |
07/06/1998 | BILL | 98-1999 Delinquent Taxes | $125.13 | $180.66 |
07/06/1997 | BILL | 97-1998 Delinquent Taxes | $55.53 | $55.53 |
02/03/1996 | AMENDMENT | Penalties Paid Amount | $-20.09 | $0.00 |
02/03/1996 | AMENDMENT | Tax Paid Amount | $-20.92 | $20.09 |
02/03/1996 | PENALTY | Penalties Due | $20.09 | $41.01 |
02/03/1996 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M. | $20.92 | $20.92 |
09/01/1995 | AMENDMENT | Tax Paid Amount | $-21.66 | $0.00 |
09/01/1995 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M. | $21.66 | $21.66 |
09/01/1994 | AMENDMENT | Penalties Paid Amount | $-32.17 | $0.00 |
09/01/1994 | AMENDMENT | Tax Paid Amount | $-21.70 | $32.17 |
09/01/1994 | PENALTY | Penalties Due | $32.17 | $53.87 |
09/01/1994 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M. | $21.70 | $21.70 |
09/01/1993 | AMENDMENT | Penalties Paid Amount | $-35.15 | $0.00 |
09/01/1993 | AMENDMENT | Tax Paid Amount | $-21.46 | $35.15 |
09/01/1993 | PENALTY | Penalties Due | $35.15 | $56.61 |
09/01/1993 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M. | $21.46 | $21.46 |
09/01/1992 | AMENDMENT | Penalties Paid Amount | $-25.11 | $0.00 |
09/01/1992 | AMENDMENT | Tax Paid Amount | $-11.14 | $25.11 |
09/01/1992 | PENALTY | Penalties Due | $25.11 | $36.25 |
09/01/1992 | BILL | HUGHES, ANGELA M. | $11.14 | $11.14 |